Automated image processing for quantification of blue-stain discolouration of Norway spruce wood
Tóm tắt
Bioincising is a promising method for enhancing liquid uptake (e.g. preservatives or wood-modification agents) in refractory wood. Incubation with the white-rot fungus, Physisporinus vitreus, which selectively degrades pit membranes, results in deeper and more homogeneous penetration of liquids. Conventional methods of assessing the degree of fungal discolouration of wood after treatment with preservatives (e.g. European standard EN 152) are partly based on a subjective rating scale, which gives a rough value of the surface colonisation by blue-stain fungi. Hence, an automated image processing (AIP) procedure was developed for standardised quantification of the segmentation thresholds of discolouration and tested against manual segmentation analysis. Using the red filter in the AIP method revealed high correlation (R
2 0.95) and allowed for more user friendly and objective determination of blue staining of wood.
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