Autologous chondrocyte implantation in a novel alginate-agarose hydrogel

British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery - Tập 90-B Số 5 - Trang 597-604 - 2008
Tarik Aït Si Selmi1, Peter Verdonk1, Pierre Chambat2, F. Dubrana3, J.-F. Potel4, Laurence Barnouin5, Philippe Neyret6
1Centre Livet [Hôpital de la Croix Rousse, Hospices Civils de Lyon] (8, rue de Margnolles, 69300 Caluire - France)
2Clinique Sainte Anne Lumière (68 cours Albert Thomas, 69373 Lyon, Cedex 3 - France)
3Service de chirurgie orthopédique, traumatologique et réparatrice [Brest] (CHU Cavale Blanche, Bd Tanguy Prigent, 29200 BREST - France)
4Clinique Cours Dillon (1 rue Peyrolade, 31300 Toulouse - France)
5Tbf - Tissue Bank of France (6 rue D’Italie, 69780, Mions - France)
6LBMC UMR T9406 - Laboratoire de Biomécanique et Mécanique des Chocs (25, avenue François Mitterrand, Case24 Cité des mobilités F-69675 Bron Cedex - France)

Tóm tắt

Autologous chondrocyte implantation is an established method of treatment for symptomatic articular defects of cartilage. CARTIPATCH is a monolayer-expanded cartilage cell product which is combined with a novel hydrogel to improve cell phenotypic stability and ease of surgical handling. Our aim in this prospective, multicentre study on 17 patients was to investigate the clinical, radiological, arthroscopic and histological outcome at a minimum follow-up of two years after the implantation of autologous chondrocytes embedded in a three-dimensional alginate-agarose hydrogel for the treatment of chondral and osteochondral defects. Clinically, all the patients improved significantly. Patients with lesions larger than 3 cm2 improved significantly more than those with smaller lesions. There was no correlation between the clinical outcome and the body mass index, age, duration of symptoms and location of the defects. The mean arthroscopic International Cartilage Repair Society score was 10 (5 to 12) of a maximum of 12. Predominantly hyaline cartilage was seen in eight of the 13 patients (62%) who had follow-up biopsies. Our findings suggest that autologous chondrocyte implantation in combination with a novel hydrogel results in a significant clinical improvement at follow-up at two years, more so for larger and deeper lesions. The surgical procedure is uncomplicated, and predominantly hyaline cartilage-like repair tissue was observed in eight patients.

Từ khóa

Tài liệu tham khảo




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