Attenuation Characteristics of Body-Waves for the Bilaspur Region of Himachal Lesser Himalaya

Geofisica pura e applicata - Tập 173 - Trang 447-462 - 2015
Ashwani Kumar1, S. C. Gupta1, Vandana1
1Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India

Tóm tắt

The attenuation characteristics around Bilaspur region of the Himachal Lesser Himalaya have been estimated adopting extended-coda-normalization method, and using a data set of 41 local events (0.5 < M L ≤ 2.9) that occurred in the region from May 2013 to March 2014. The frequency-dependent relations governing the quality factors of P-waves (Q α ) and S-waves (Q β ) in the frequency range from 1.5 to 24 Hz are: (Q α ) = (43 ± 4) f 1.30±0.04 and Q β  = (79 ± 6) f 1.25±0.02. The average estimates of (Q α ) and (Q β ) are found to vary from 71 and 125 at 1.5 Hz to 2901 and 4243 at 24 Hz, respectively. The (Q α ) and (Q β ) estimates are compared to the similar estimates obtained for the other seismically active regions of the Himalaya. It is found that for the various Himalayan regions, the (Q α ) estimates at 1 Hz vary between 22 (for the Kumaon Himalaya) and 97 (for the northwest Himalaya), whereas (Q β ) estimates range between 63 (for the Garhwal Himalaya) and 127 (for the northwest Himalaya). For the Bilaspur region, the (Q β )/(Q α ) ratio is greater than unity and varies between 1.84 and 1.45 in the frequency range from 1 to 24 Hz. The region-specific attenuation relations can be adopted for estimating earthquake source parameters, simulating strong ground motion and assessing seismic hazard for the Bilaspur region of Himachal Lesser Himalaya.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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