Assimilation of ERS-1 altimeter data in a tidal model of the continental shelf

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 46 - Trang 285-319 - 1994
E. E. A. Mouthaan1, A. W. Heemink2, K. B. Robaczewska1
1RIKZ, Rijkswaterstaat, The Hague, The Netherlands
2Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

Tóm tắt

In this paper ERS-1 altimeter data are used for the calibration of a tidal model of the European Continental Shelf. The data assimilation procedure to estimate the uncertain parameters in the model is based on the adjoint method. Here the estimation problem is formulated as a large scale optimization problem, that is solved with a gradient based optimization method. The gradient is determined efficiently by using the solution of the adjoint problem. The data assimilation procedure is applied by using the ERS-1 data with and without other measurement information from water level stations.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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