Assessment of river quality models: a review
Tóm tắt
The paper reviews river quality models on the basis of their conceptualization, processes, strengths and limitations. It analyzes advances in basic research and compares river quality models, namely AQUATOX, Branched Lagrangian Transport Model (BLTM), One Dimensional Riverine Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model (EPD-RIV1), QUAL2Kw, Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) and Water Quality for River-Reservoir Systems (WQRRS). All these models are widely used and ‘mechanistic’ in nature except for BLTM which was selected due its vast ‘useage’. In addition, the paper highlights the types of errors which occur during the modelling exercise. The paper also emphasizes on the pivotal role played by water quality models for development and formulation of various river restoration projects worldwide. The present review also suggests broad recommendation for choosing a river quality model.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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