Assessment of cassava peels as renewable substrate for production of poly-γ-glutamic acid by Bacillus subtilis
Tóm tắt
Poly-γ-glutamic acid (γ-PGA) is a polymeric substance with diverse applications as thickening, anti-freezing, sticking and bitterness relieving agent. This study was aimed at utilizing cassava peels as the major substrate for production of γ-PGA by Bacillus subtilis. Pretreatment of the cassava peels was carried out using alkali, acid and organosolv methods. Effects of different carbon, nitrogen and process parameters were subjected to one-factor-at-a-time method. The raw cassava peel gave significantly (p < 0.05) higher yield of γ-PGA of 3.20 ± 0.08 mg/g when compared with all the other pretreated samples. The highest yield of γ-PGA (6.23 ± 0.13 mg/g) was obtained in a medium containing 1% (w/w) citric acid and 0.5% (w/w) (NH4)2SO4, initial moisture content 65%, inoculum concentration at 2% and incubation time of 4 days at 35 °C. Following the FTIR analysis, γ-PGA samples showed characteristic amide absorption at ~ 3753.4 cm−1, carbonyl absorption at 1600–1636.4 cm−1, and hydroxyl absorption at 3200–3276.3 cm−1. The relative viscosity (9.92 ± 0.06 mPas), and melting point (193 ± 0.04 °C) were found to be comparable with the values obtained for commercially available γ-PGA. This study demonstrates that cassava peels can be utilized as renewable raw material for production of γ-PGA by B. subtilis.
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