Assessing the Future of Renewable and Smart Grid Technologies in Regional Energy Systems

Fréderic Babonneau1, Alain Haurie2, Guillaume Tarel3, Julien Thénie4
1ORDECSYS, Switzerland and Economics and Environmental Management Laboratory — Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
2ORDECSYS, 4 Place de l’Etrier Chêne Bougeries, 1224, Switzerland
3Economics and Environmental Management Laboratory — Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
4ORDECSYS, Switzerland

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In this paper we present the regional techno-economic model ETEM, designed for the analysis of regional energy/environment systems and we show how it can be used to explore the possible penetration of new technologies in a region corresponding roughly to the canton of Geneva. We investigate three scenarios with different constraints on CO2 emissions and electricity imports and show the essential role played by new technologies, linked through a smart grid, in the effort toward a sustainable energy system. We strengthen our conclusion with a stochastic approach dealing with uncertainty in future electricity prices and electric car technology penetration.

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