Arsenic, fluoride and iodine in groundwater of China

Journal of Geochemical Exploration - Tập 135 - Trang 1-21 - 2013
Dongguang Wen1, Fucun Zhang2, Eryong Zhang1,3, Cheng Wang2, Shuangbao Han2, Yan Zheng4,3,5
1China Geological Survey, Beijing 100037, China
2Center for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Survey, China Geological Survey, Baoding, 071051, Hebei, China
3Peking University Water Center, Beijing 100871, China
4Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades 10964, USA
5Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing, NY 11367, USA

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