Are there turbidites in the Silurian/Devonian boundary stratotype? (Klonk near Suchomasty, Barrandian, Czechoslovakia)

Facies - Tập 26 - Trang 35-54 - 1992
Jindrich Hladil1
1Cesky geologicky ustav, Praha

Tóm tắt

A discussion arose in 1977 regarding the nature of the Silurian/Devonian boundary bed at Klonk, and the beds below and above it. Present revision of the stratotype sequence found that most clayey limestones display a multiple and composed rhythmic arrangement of laminae. Deposition of pelagic particles, effects of traction bottom currents, and turbidite inputs are distinguishable, however, the latter are rare. Semilithified surfaces and hardgrounds were found. The boundary bed No. 20 consists of several laminated rhythms. The Devonian base, marked by first occurrences ofMonograptus uniformis corresponds to a semilithified surface, a break in deposition for several tens to hundreds of years, and a change in direction of bottom currents. A moderately rippled set at the Devonian base is only about 1 cm thick and passes again into the horizontal laminated rhythms. The deposition of the boundary bed lasted about 1.2 to 2.0 Ka. It cannot be explained as a turbidite.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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