Applying psychological theories to evidence-based clinical practice: identifying factors predictive of placing preventive fissure sealants

Implementation Science - Tập 5 Số 1 - 2010
Debbie Bonetti1, Marie Johnston2, Jan Clarkson3, Jeremy Grimshaw4, Nigel Pitts3, Martin Eccles5, Paul McNamee5, Ruth Thomas2, Graeme MacLennan2, Liz Glidewell6, Anne Walker2
1Dental Health Services Research Unit, University of Dundee, MacKenzie Building, Kirsty Semple Way, Dundee, DD2 4BF, UK
2University of Aberdeen
3Dental Health Services Research Unit, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK
4University of Ottawa
5Institute of Health & Society, Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
6University of Leeds

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