Application of statistical method in pollution episode analyses
Tóm tắt
Observed pollutants are of both primary and secondary origins, influenced by local topography and meteorology. Identifying sources and relative contribution often require vast detailed data collection and complicated models. This study applied a statistical time series analysis to two selected pollution events, spring and fall, at two sites in northern Taiwan. Vector moving average representations were used to quantitatively examine relationships among chemical pollutants and estimate their lifetimes. Results from impulse responses show that wind direction change alters the characteristic of pollution observed in opposite sites of Taipei City, from chemical dominant system to transport dominant one and vice versa. Chemicals are clearly separated into photochemical pollutants and primary pollutants. Results pointed out that Taipei City is the major source of photochemical smog, but not these primary pollutants. Derived chemical lifetimes at same location vary from 20% to four times under different meteorological condition. Estimated concentrations of hydroxyl radical range between 2 to 8 × 107 cm−3. Photochemical pollutants are responsible for parts of PM10 collected in both station observed. Oxidation of SO2 is only important in PM10 observed at one station. This study provides a simpler tool to derive information usually from complex models, therefore, is suitable as complement in decision-making process.
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