Application of randomization methods to study the association of Trichocereus pasacana (Cactaceae) with potential nurse plants

Plant Ecology - Tập 156 - Trang 193-197 - 2001
M.L. de Viana1, S. Sühring1, B.F.J. Manly2
1Cátedras de Ecología, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2Dpto Matemáticas, Universidad de Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Tóm tắt

Spatial distribution of plants and seeds of Trichocereuspasacana was studied in relation to bush species abundance, and ofcacti in relation to the available number of seeds under bush species, in LosCardones National Park, Argentina. Randomization tests, carried out to find thesignificance level of Chi squared test statistics used to test fornon-random association hypothesis, proved that T.pasacana plants, seeds, and seedling establishment is related to thedifferent bush species that co-occur with it. Positive interactions werefound mostly with L. divaricata, but also withP.ferox and A. spartioides, suggesting that theyact as nurse plants. Negative interactions were found with B.boliviensis, A. spartioides, S.crassiramea, and Verbena sp, in spite of thehigh seed storage beneath their canopies. Cacti are more frequent than expectedin relation to seed relative abundance under L. divaricataand P. ferox and less frequent under P.rougesii, B. boilviensis,Verbena sp, G. glutinosa,S.crassiramea, and A. spartioides, due todifferential seed or seedling mortality when emergence occurs.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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