Application of improved black hole algorithm in prolonging the lifetime of wireless sensor network

Complex & Intelligent Systems - Tập 9 - Trang 5817-5829 - 2023
Wei-Min Zheng1, Ning Liu1, Qing-Wei Chai1, Yong Liu1
1Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China

Tóm tắt

Sensor technology is developing rapidly and up to date. The lifetime of the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has also attracted many researchers, and the location of the Base Station (BS) plays a crucial role in prolonging the lifetime. The energy consumption in the WSN occurs during transmission of data and selection of cluster-head nodes. A reasonable location of the BS prolongs the lifetime of the WSN. This study proposes a Levy Flight Edge Regeneration Black Hole algorithm (LEBH) to speed up convergence and enhance optimization capabilities. The performance of LEBH and other heuristic algorithms are compared on CEC 2013. The result shows that the LEBH outperforms other heuristics in most cases. In this study, the energy consumption and WSN models are simulated. Subsequently, the proposed LEBH is combined with relocation technology to change the location of the BS to prolong the lifetime. Simulation results show LEBH-BS prolongs the lifetime of the WSN better than random-base and static-base stations and other heuristic algorithms in most cases.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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