Applicant Reactions to Social Media Assessments: Effects of Social Media Type, Social Media Self-Efficacy, and Minority Status

Yalçın Açıkgöz1, Kelly Mollica2, H. Kristl Davison3, Christopher J. Hartwell4, Shawn M. Bergman1
1Department of Psychology, Appalachian State University, Boone, United States
2Department of Management, University of Memphis, Memphis, United States
3Department of Management, Appalachian State University, Boone, United States
4Department of Management, Utah State University, Logan, United States

Tóm tắt

Reviewing applicant social media content during employee selection has become a common practice, but little is known about applicant reactions in this context. In two experimental studies, we examined the role of type of social media (personal vs. professional), social media self-efficacy, and minority status on job applicant reactions. In both studies, minorities perceived higher invasion of privacy associated with social media assessments versus non-minorities, which in turn was positively related to litigation intentions. Additionally, participants with lower social media self-efficacy demonstrated more negative reactions to social media assessments. This research provides important theoretical and practical implications for understanding the reactions of minority job candidates to selection processes in the context of newer technologies like social media.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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