Antibacterial activity of novel peptides isolated from protein hydrolysates of RuBisCO purified from green juice alfalfa

Journal of Functional Foods - Tập 18 - Trang 703-713 - 2015
Sabrine Kobbi1, Rafik Balti2, Ali Bougatef2, Guillaume Le Flem1, Loubna Firdaous1, Muriel Bigan1, Gabrielle Châtaigné1, Semia Ellouz Châabouni2, Pascal Dhulster1, Naïma Nedjar1
1Charles Viollette Institute, Team ProBioGEM, Bâtiment Polytech'Lille, Boulevard Paul Langevin, BP 179, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
2Enzymes & Bioconversion Unit, National School of Engineers, PB 1173, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia

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