Anaphylaxis to additives in vaccines
Tóm tắt
Anaphylaxis in connection with the administration of vaccines occurs only very rarely. Triggers of immunoglobulin IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated anaphylaxis—in addition to the active ingredient itself—may be excipients contained in the vaccine due to their special properties. Some of the excipients in medicinal products are the same compounds used as additives in food. Furthermore, residues from the manufacturing process (e.g., chicken egg white, casein, antibiotics, formaldehyde) or contaminants (e.g., from the primary packaging material) may be potential triggers of anaphylaxis in vaccines. This review article provides an overview of ingredients in vaccines that pose an allergenic risk potential. The components of COVID-19 vaccines approved and marketed in Germany are discussed with regard to their potential for triggering anaphylaxis and possible pathophysiological mechanisms involved.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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