Analysis of the effect of handrail and foot position on STS in healthy young adults with knee support
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Trang 1-10 - 2023
Tóm tắt
Rising from a sitting position, or “sit-to-stand” (STS), is one of the basic activities in daily life. Therefore, studying the kinematics and kinetics of STS could help optimize STS movement strategy. This study analyzes the comprehensive influence of the handrail and foot position under the knee joint support on STS kinematics and kinetics. A total of 30 young people were recruited to participate in this study. Their average age, height, weight, and BIM were 24.21 years old, 168.52 cm, 60.92 kg, and 21.46 kg/m2, respectively. The experiment was conducted under six experimental conditions. Total movement time, percent of movement time of each phase, trunk tilt angle, and peak joint moment were analyzed and compared. In addition, a correlation analysis was carried out between the range of motion of the joint angle and the peak joint moment. The results showed that the far handrail had the largest trunk tilt angle, and the smallest total moment impulse of the lower limb joints. The closer the foot was to the seat, the smaller the peak hip joint moment, and the larger the peak moment of ankle and knee joints, and a shorter total movement time. The position of the handrail had a significant influence on the trunk tilt angle, percent of movement time of certain phase, and the total moment impulse of the lower limb joints. And the position of the foot had a significant influence on the peak moments of the ankle, hip, and knee joints.
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