Analysis of Connective Tissue Progenitor Cell Behavior on Polydimethylsiloxane Smooth and Channel Micro-Textures

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 4 - Trang 267-275 - 2002
Alvaro Mata1, Cynthia Boehm2, Aaron J. Fleischman1, George Muschler2,3, Shuvo Roy1
1BioMEMS Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA
2Bone Biology Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA
3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA

Tóm tắt

Growth of human connective tissue progenitor cells (CTPs) was characterized on smooth and microtextured polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surfaces. Human bone marrow derived cells were cultured for nine days under conditions promoting osteoblastic differentiation on Smooth PDMS and PDMS Channel microtextures (11 μm high, 45 μm wide channels, and separated by 5 μm wide ridges). Glass tissue culture dish surfaces were used as controls. Cell numbers per colony, cell density within colonies, alignment of cells, area of colonies, and colony shapes were determined as a function of substrate surface topography. An alkaline phosphatase stain was used as a marker for osteoblastic phenotype. CTPs attached, proliferated, and differentiated on all surfaces with cell process lengths of up to 80 μm. Cells on the Smooth PDMS and control surfaces spread and proliferated as colonies in proximity to other cells and migrated in random directions creating colonies that covered significantly larger areas (0.96 and 1.05 mm2, respectively) than colonies formed on PDMS Channel textures (0.64 mm2). In contrast, cells on PDMS Channel textures spread, proliferated, aligned along the channel axis, and created colonies that were more dense, and with lengths of longest colony axes that were significantly longer (3252 μm) than those on the Smooth PDMS (1265 μm) and control surfaces (1319 μm). Cells on PDMS Channel textures were aligned at an angle of 14.44° relative to the channel axis, and the resulting colonies exhibited a significantly higher aspect ratio (13.72) compared to Smooth PDMS (1.57) and control surfaces (1.51).

Tài liệu tham khảo

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