An overview and tectonic synthesis of the pre‐Tertiary very‐high‐pressure metamorphic and associated rocks of Java, Sulawesi and Kalimantan, Indonesia
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High‐pressure metamorphic rocks are widely distributed in Cretaceous accretionary complexes throughout Java, Sulawesi (formerly Celebes) and southeast Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). Many of these rocks occur as imbricate slices of carbonate, quartzose and pelitic schists of shallow marine or continental margin parentage, interthrust with subordinate basic schists and serpentinite. They are predominantly of low‐to‐intermediate metamorphic grade (300 < T < 550 °C; 4 < P < 12 kbar) and yield mica K–Ar radiometric ages of 110–120 Ma. Metamorphic rocks that exhibit evidence of exhumation from much greater depths (> 60 km), however, are sporadically exposed, usually as tectonic blocks, throughout the Cretaceous accretionary complexes. They include eclogite, garnet–glaucophane rock (P
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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