Lisa A. Jackson1, Evan J. Anderson1, Nadine Rouphael1, Paul C. Roberts1, Mamodikoe Makhene1, Rhea N. Coler1, Michele Paine McCullough1, James D. Chappell1, Mark R. Denison1, Laura J. Stevens1, Andrea J. Pruijssers1, Adrian B. McDermott1, Britta Flach1, Nicole A. Doria‐Rose1, Kizzmekia S. Corbett1, Kaitlyn M. Morabito1, Sijy O’Dell1, Stephen D. Schmidt1, Phillip A. Swanson1, Marcelino Padilla1, John R. Mascola1, Kathleen M. Neuzil1, Hamilton Bennett1, Wellington Sun1, Etza Peters1, Mat Makowski1, Jim Albert1, Kaitlyn Cross1, Wendy Buchanan1, Rhonda Pikaart-Tautges1, Julie E. Ledgerwood1, Barney S. Graham1, John H. Beigel1
1From Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (L.A.J.) and the Center for Global Infectious Disease Research (CGIDR), Seattle Children's Research Institute (R.N.C.) - both in Seattle; the Department of Medicine, Center for Childhood Infections and Vaccines (CCIV) of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University Department of Pediatrics, Atlanta (E.J.A., E.P.), and Hope Clinic, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Decatur (N.G.R., M.P.M.) - both in Georgia; the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (P.C.R., M. Makhene, W.B., R.P.-T., J.H.B.) and the Vaccine Research Center (A.M., B.F., N.A.D.-R., K.S.C., K.M.M., S.O., S.D.S., P.A.S., M.P., J.R.M., J.E.L., B.S.G.), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (K.M.N.), and the Emmes Company, Rockville (M. Makowski, J.A., K.C.) - all in Maryland; the Departments of Pediatrics (J.D.C., M.R.D., L.J.S., A.J.P.) and Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology (M.R.D.), and the Vanderbilt Institute for Infection, Immunology, and Inflammation (J.D.C., M.R.D., A.J.P.), Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville; and Moderna, Cambridge, MA (H.B., W.S.).