An inexpensive computer assisted psychometric system

Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing - Tập 10 - Trang 145-152 - 1972
C. J. Birtles1, Jean Sambrooks1, M. J. Macculloch1, P. Holland1
1Department of Psychiatry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool

Tóm tắt

Human behaviour is complex because of the multiplicity of influences from which it arises, so that it is obvious, ona priori grounds, that an empathetic or ‘relating’ approach cannot continue to sustain all of our investigations. A reorientation in thinking about behaviour and related psychological changes is necessary for psychiatry and for psychometric testing in order that the foundations of assessment in such areas are as secure and objective as possible. The assessment of behaviour is moving towards repeated measurements on a variety of parameters, which necessitate the development of automated testing and data collection to sustain the increasing demands in these areas. This paper describes an off-line system of data logging and presents preliminary results which show that it is capable of operating with minimal subjective contamination and allows repeated objective assessment on various aspects of behaviour.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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