An improved correlation to predict the heat transfer in pulsating heat pipes over increased range of fluid-filling ratios and operating inclinations
Tóm tắt
Previous correlations that have been used to predict the heat transfer performance of pulsating heat pipes (PHPs) offer limited thermal predictions within a narrow range of fluid-filling ratios and PHP inclinations. In this paper, a novel semi-empirical correlation with improved scope is proposed, with an increased range of fluid-filling ratios and PHP inclinations. The proposed correlation employs the dimensionless numbers governing the thermo-hydrodynamic operation of PHPs, and achieved ±30 % accuracy when predicting selected experimental data, showing reasonably good agreement. Unlike previous correlations, the new correlation can be used for different working fluids, geometrical aspect ratios, and heat loads. A comprehensive assessment of the relative significance of the correlation parameters on the total heat transfer performance is discussed. The new correlation with its flexible application range is expected to assist in faster and more enhanced thermal predictions as interest in PHPs grows.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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