An extracellular yellow laccase with potent dye decolorizing ability from the fungus Leucoagaricus naucinus LAC-04

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules - Tập 93 - Trang 837-842 - 2016
Ying-Jie Ning1, Shanshan Wang2, Qingjun Chen2, Zhuoren Ling1, Shou-Nan Wang1, Wenping Wang1, Guoqing Zhang1, Mengjuan Zhu3
1Key Laboratory of Urban Agriculture (North) of Ministry of Agriculture, College of Biological Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, 102206, China
2Beijing Key Laboratory for Agricultural Application and New Technique, College of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing 102206, China
3Department of Fungal Resource, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong 271018, China

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