An efficient computational framework for hailstone impacts on composite plates utilizing a semi-empirical viscoplastic contact law

International Journal of Impact Engineering - Tập 178 - Trang 104628 - 2023
Christoforos S. Rekatsinas1,2, Dimitris K. Siorikis1, Christos V. Nastos1, Nikolaos A. Chrysochoidis1, Theodosios C. Theodosiou3, Ahmet S. Yigit4, Andreas P. Christoforou4, Dimitris A. Saravanos1
1Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras, Rion-Patras, Greece
2Software & Knowledge Engineering Lab, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos, Ag. Paraskevi, Greece
3Dept. of Energy Systems, University of Thessaly Gaiopolis Campus, Ring-Road of Larissa-Trikala, GR-41500, Larissa, Greece
4Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kuwait University, Kuwait

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