An apparent contradiction in the role of phosphorus in Cenozoic chemical mass balances for the World Ocean
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Little is known about the fluxes to and from the ocean during the Cenozoic of phosphorus (P), a limiting nutrient for oceanic primary productivity and organic carbon burial on geologic timescales. Previous studies have concluded that dissolved river fluxes increased worldwide during the Cenozoic and that organic carbon burial decreased relative to calcium carbonate burial and perhaps in absolute terms as well. To examine the apparent contradiction between increased river fluxes of P (assuming P fluxes behave like the others) expected to drive increased organic carbon burial and observations indicating decreased organic carbon burial, we determined P accumulation rates for equatorial Pacific sediments from Ocean Drilling Program leg 138 sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific and leg 130 sites on the Ontong Java Plateau in the western equatorial Pacific. Although there are site specific and depth dependent effects on P accumulation rates, there are important features common to the records at all sites. P accumulation rates declined from 50 to 20 Ma, showed some variability from 20 to 10 Ma, and had a substantial peak from 9 to 3 Ma centered at 5–6 Ma. These changes in P accumulation rates for the equatorial Pacific are equivalent to substantial changes in the P mass balance. However, the pattern resembles neither that of weathering flux indicators (87Sr/86Sr and Ge/Si ratios) nor that of the carbon isotope record reflecting changes in organic carbon burial rates. Although these P accumulation rate patterns need confirmation from other regions with sediment burial significant in global mass balances (e.g., the North Pacific and Southern Ocean), it appears that P weathering inputs to the ocean are decoupled from those of other elements and that further exploration is needed of the relationship between P burial and net organic carbon burial.
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