An analysis and implementation of an efficient in-place bucket sort
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Various methods, such as address-calculation sorts, distribution counting sorts, radix sorts, and bucket sorts, use the values of the numbers being sorted to increase efficiency but do so at the expense of requiring additional storage space. In this paper, a specific implementation of bucket sort is presented whose primary advantanges are that (i) linear average-time performance is achieved with an additional amount of storage equal to any fraction of the number of elements being sorted and (ii) no linked-list data structures are used (all sorting is done with arrays). Analytical and empirical results show the trade-off between the additional storage space used and the improved computational efficiency obtained. Computer simulations show that for lists containing 1,000 to 30,000 uniformly distributed positive integers, the sort developed here is faster than both Quicksort and a standard implementation of bucket sort. Furthermore, the running time increases with size at a slower rate.