An algorithm for a fuzzy transportation problem to select a new type of coal for a steel manufacturing unit
Tóm tắt
Manufacturing of steel involves thermal energy intensive processes with coal as the major input. Energy generated is a direct function of ash content of coal and as such it weighs very high as regards the choice of coal. In this paper, we study a multiobjective transportation problem to introduce a new type of coal in a steel manufacturing unit in India. The use of new type of coal serves three non-prioritized objectives, viz. minimization of the total freight cost, the transportation time and the ratio of ash content to the production of hot metal. It has been observed from the past data that the supply and demand points have shown fluctuations around their estimated values because of changing economic conditions. To deal with uncertainties of supply and demand parameters, we transform the past data pertaining to the amount of supply of the ith supply point and the amount of demand of the jth demand point using level (λ,ρ) interval-valued fuzzy numbers. We use a linear ranking function to defuzzify the fuzzy transportation problem. A transportation algorithm is developed to find the non-dominated solutions for the defuzzified problem. The application of the algorithm is illustrated by numerical examples constructed from the data provided by the manufacturing unit.
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