An SOC-Based Switching Functions Double-Layer Hierarchical Control for Energy Storage Systems in DC Microgrids
Tóm tắt
In order to improve the control performance of state-of-charge (SOC) balance control and expand the application scenarios of SOC balance control, in this paper, an SOC-based switching functions double-layer hierarchical control is proposed for distributed energy storage systems in DC microgrids. Firstly, the switching functions in the primary layer of double-layer hierarchical control, which is defined as droop coefficient in the droop control, is divided into two SOC-related functions. The first one in the switching functions is a composite exponential function with power function and nonlinear function. The second one in the switching functions is a nonlinear function with a capacity balance factor. Since the composite function is very sensitive to the change of SOC, it can speed up the time of SOC balance. It plays a positive role in solving the rapid SOC balance problem between energy storage units. In addition, the nonlinear function with a capacity balance factor is designed to reduce the steady state deviation of SOC. Capacity balance factor is a weighting coefficient related to capacity, under which this control can ignore the limitation of capacity problem on SOC balance to expand the application scenarios. Secondly, a voltage restoration controller is introduced in the second layer of double-layer hierarchical control. The voltage restoration controller can compensate the voltage deviation caused by the primary layer, therefore, the bus voltage can maintain at the normal value. Finally, simulation results show the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed scheme.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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