An Exploration of Ethical Decision-making Processes in the United States and Egypt

Journal of Business Ethics - Tập 82 - Trang 587-605 - 2007
Rafik I. Beekun1, Ramda Hamdy2, James W. Westerman3, Hassan R. HassabElnaby4
1Managerial Sciences Department 28, University of Nevada, Reno, U.S.A.
2College of Commerce, Cairo University, Cairo, Giza, Egypt
3Department of Management, Appalachian State University, Boone, U.S.A.
4Department of Accounting, University of Toledo, Toledo, U.S.A.

Tóm tắt

In this comparative survey of 191 Egyptian and 92 U.S. executives, we explore the relationship between national culture and ethical decision-making within the context of business. Using Reidenbach and Robin’s (1988) multi-criteria ethics instrument, we examine how differences on two of Hofstede’s national culture dimensions, individualism/collectivism, and power distance, are related to the manner in which business practitioners make ethical decisions. Egypt and the U.S. provide an interesting comparison because of the extreme differences in their economies and related business development. Our results indicate that respondents from the U.S, individualistic and low in power distance, were likely to view the decision making outcome in ethics scenarios as more unethical than the more collectivistic and high power distance Egyptians, when applying ethical criteria based on justice, utilitarianism, relativism, and (contrary to our predictions) egoism. However, we also found that both Egyptians and Americans rely on justice, utilitarianism, and relativism in predicting their intentions to behave ethically, and that Americans substitute egoism for justice, when the behavioral intentions of peers are examined.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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