An Efficiency Study of Transient Wave Generation in a Thermoelastic Layer with a Pulsed Laser

Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation - Tập 20 - Trang 49-59 - 2001
Cetin Cetinkaya1, Ji Wu1, Chen Li1
1Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam

Tóm tắt

The efficiency of transient wave generation in a thermoelastic silicon layer excited by a pulsed laser is considered. First a principle-based transfer matrix formulation with relaxation effect, also referred to as the generalized dynamic theory of linear thermoelasticity, is used in obtaining transfer functions between the input heat field and the elements of the thermoelastic state vector. The second sound effect, through this relaxation time term, is included to eliminate the thermal wave travelling with infinite velocity as predicted by the diffusion heat transfer model. By employing the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm, the transient response of a silicon thermoelastic layer under a thermal excitation (by a pulsed laser) is investigated to quantify the conversion efficiency from thermal to mechanical energy. The transient acceleration, stress, heat, temperature, and mechanical power flux responses are presented. The pulse duration of the laser excitation is submicrosecond level and, consequently, a large number of modes of motion are excited. Rigid body singularities are eliminated by considering the higher order time derivatives of the state variables. A layer made of bulk silicon under this laser excitation is considered and it is found that the amplitude ratio of the applied heat field to the propagating heat flux at the data points is in the order of 10°. The ratio of the applied power (heat flux) to the generated mechanical power flux is in the order of 10°. The resulting rigid body motion of the layer due to the laser excitation is excluded in calculating the mechanical power.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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