
American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs - Tập 11 - Trang 215-226 - 2012
James E. Frampton1
1Adis, a Wolters Kluwer Business, Mairangi Bay, North Shore 0754, Auckland, New Zealand

Tóm tắt

Ambrisentan, an orally active, highly selective antagonist of the endothelin-1 type A receptor, is indicated for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). It has a low potential for drug-drug interactions and requires only once-daily administration. Three months’ treatment with ambrisentan 2.5–10 mg/day significantly improved exercise capacity, as determined by the distance walked in 6 minutes (6MWD; primary outcome measure), compared with placebo in two double-blind, multicenter studies in patients with PAH (ARIES-1 [n = 202] and -2 [n = 192]). A decrease in dyspnea and a delay in clinical worsening were among the improvements in secondary outcomes generally observed with ambrisentan versus placebo. In ARIES-E, a 2-year extension of ARIES-1 and -2, approved dosages of ambrisentan (5 and 10 mg/day) were associated with a sustained improvement in 6MWD, a generally sustained improvement in dyspnea, and a low risk of clinical worsening and of death. Six months’ treatment with ambrisentan 5 mg/day significantly improved 6MWD (primary outcome measure) and dyspnea relative to baseline in an open-label, non-comparative, multicenter study in a diverse population of patients with PAH or non-PAH forms of pulmonary hypertension (ARIES-3 [n=224]). Ambrisentan was associated with a low risk of clinical worsening and of death. Ambrisentan treatment was generally well tolerated in the various ARIES trials. All available pre-registration and post-marketing data indicate the drug poses only a very low risk of liver injury; the ‘black box’ warning regarding potential liver injury has been removed from the US prescribing information for ambrisentan.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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Steady-state tacrolimus has no effect on the steady-state pharmacokinetics of ambrisentan in healthy subjects. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2010; 181: A3352. Plus poster B23 presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference; 2010 May 14–19; New Orleans (LA). Mandagere A, Coar B, Bird SW, et al. Absence of a clinically relevant pharmacokinetic interaction between ambrisentan and mycophenolate mofetil. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2010; 181: A3356. Plus poster B27 presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference; 2010 May 14–19; New Orleans (LA). Spence R, Mandagere A, Richards DB, et al. Potential for pharmacokinetic interactions between ambrisentan and cyclosporine. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2010 Oct; 88(4): 513–20. Gilead Sciences. ARIES — Ambrisentan in patients with moderate to severe pulmonary aterial hypertension (PAH). [ identifier NCT00091598] US National Institutes of Health, [online]. Available from URL: [Accessed 2011 Feb 15]. 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Plus poster K79 presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference; 2009 May 15–20; San Diego (CA). Gilead Sciences. Safety and efficacy study of ambrisentan in subjects with pulmonary hypertension. [ identifier NCT00380068] US National Institutes of Health, [online]. Available from URL: [Accessed 2011 Feb 16]. Gilead Sciences. (ARTEMIS-IPF) randomized, placebo-controlled study to evaluate safety and effectiveness of ambrisentan in IPF. [ identifier NCT00768300] US National Institutes of Health, [online]. Available from URL: [Accessed 2011 May 12]. Olschewski H, Galie N, Rubin LJ, et al. Ambrisentan improves exercise capacity and dyspnoea in WHO functional class II and III patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007 Apr; 175: A1001. Plus poster 2873 presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference; 2007 May 18–23; San Francisco (CA). Waxman AB, on behalf of the ARIES Study Group. A short-term delay of endothelin receptor antagonist therapy results in a decreased long-term improvement in exercise capacity [abstract plus poster 103]. American College of Chest Physicians International Conference; 2009 31 Oct–5 Nov; San Diego (CA). Torres F, on behalf of the ARIES Study Group. Long-term ambrisentan therapy in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: an analysis by WHO functional class. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009; 179: A3370. Plus poster K102 presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference; 2009 May 15–20; San Diego (CA). Pulido T, on behalf of the ARIES Study Group. Long-term ambrisentan therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension: comparison by etiology. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009; 179: A3356. Plus poster K89 presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference; 2009 May 15–20; San Diego (CA). Torres F, on behalf of the ARIES Study Group. Ambrisentan two-year results in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: an analysis of monotherapy and combination therapy [abstract plus poster 110]. American College of Chest Physicians International Conference; 2009 Oct 31–Nov 5; San Diego (CA). McGoon M, on behalf of the ARIES-3 Study Group. Ambrisentan therapy in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension receiving concomitant sildenafil therapy: an analysis of the ARIES-3 study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2010; 181: A3351. Plus poster B22 presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference; 2010 May 14–19; New Orleans (LA). US Food and Drug Administration. FDA modifies boxed warning for pulmonary arterial hypertension drug Letairis [online]. Available from URL: [Accessed 2011 Mar 15]. McGoon M, Peschel T, Pizzuti D, et al. Post-marketing hepatic safety profile of ambrisentan in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension [abstract plus poster 1061]. 9th International Pulmonary Hypertension Conference and Scientific Sessions; 2010 June 25–27. McGoon MD, Frost AE, Oudiz RJ, et al. Ambrisentan therapy in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension who discontinued bosentan or sitaxsentan due to liver function test abnormalities. Chest 2009 Jan; 135(1): 122–9. Feldman JP, Keogh A, on behalf of the ARIES-3 Study Group. ARIES-3: long-term ambrisentan therapy in patients with pulmonary hypertension who previously discontinued bosentan or sitaxsentan due to liver function abnormalities [abstract plus poster 697]. American Thoracic Society International Conference; 2008 Oct 25–30; Philadelphia (PA). Data on file, Gilead. 2011. US Food and Drug Administration. FDA drug safety communication: liver injury warning to be removed from Letairis (ambrisentan) tablets [online]. Available from URL: [Accessed 2011 Mar 14]. Gilead Sciences. Study of ambrisentan and phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor (PDE-5i) to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (ATHENA-1) [Clinical identifier NCT00617305]. US National Institutes of Health, [online]. Available from URL: [Accessed 2011 Mar 11]. Gilead Sciences. A study of first-line ambrisentan and tadalafil combination therapy in subjects with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) (AMBITION). [ identifier NCT01178073]. US National Institutes of Health, [online]. Available from URL: [Accessed 2011 Mar 11].