Allelopathy in tropical and subtropical species
Tóm tắt
The ability of certain plants to synthesize allelochemicals that disrupt the germination, development, reproduction and/or survival of organisms that compete with them for resources has been observed in a variety of environments worldwide. Tropical and subtropical regions are particularly conducive to the evolution of allelopathic survival strategies as the relatively constant temperatures and mild frost-free winters produce a hospitable year-round growing season. This allows for the proliferation of a large variety of species and leads to fierce competition for sunlight, nutrients, water and other resources. Allelopathy provides an advantage to invasive species allowing for increased competitiveness and fitness over native and agricultural species in a variety of different habitats. Herein, the diversity and known action mechanisms of allelopathic compounds with a focus on tropical and subtropical communities is reviewed. Furthermore, the current and future prospect of utilizing and developing these allelopathic chemicals as weed control options is discussed.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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