Alcohol use severity in relation to pain severity and interference among latinx adults with current pain who smoke cigarettes
Tóm tắt
Limited research has focused expressly on dual tobacco-alcohol use among the Latinx population. Latinx individuals who smoke represent a tobacco health disparities group and evince elevated rates of pain problems and symptoms. Prior research has consistently linked pain problems and severity to smoking and alcohol prevalence, maintenance, and behavior. Accordingly, the current study sought to build from the limited work that exists among Latinx persons who smoke and evaluate the role of alcohol use severity in terms of pain severity and interference. The current sample consisted of 228 adult Latinx daily cigarette smokers (Mage = 34.95 years; SD = 8.58; 39.0% female) who endorsed current pain. Results indicated that elevated alcohol use problems were associated with greater levels of pain severity (R2 = 0.06) and interference (R2 = 0.06). The present findings suggest that there may be utility in clinical screening for alcohol use problems among Latinx persons who smoke to offset pain problems among this high-risk group.
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