Advancing an Integrated Theory of Sexual Minority Alcohol-Related Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration

Journal of Family Violence - Tập 34 - Trang 357-364 - 2018
Ryan C. Shorey1, Gregory L. Stuart2, Meagan J. Brem2, Dominic J. Parrott3
1Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, USA
2University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
3Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA

Tóm tắt

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a prevalent and serious public health problem. Alcohol use and misuse is one of the most well-known antecedents of IPV perpetration. However, minimal research examined whether alcohol use increases the risk for IPV perpetration among individuals who identify as a sexual minority (i.e., lesbian, gay, bisexual, or another non-heterosexual identity [LGB+]). This is particularly concerning given that rates of IPV and alcohol use are as high, if not higher, in LGB+ populations relative to their heterosexual peers. In this article we provide a brief review of existing alcohol-related IPV research among LGB+ populations, advance an integrated model of alcohol-related IPV perpetration among LGB+ populations, and discuss avenues for future research on this topic. Our review identified limited research on alcohol-related IPV perpetration among LGB+ populations, with no longitudinal or event level research on this topic. Incorporating tenets of minority stress models with models of alcohol-related IPV (i.e., I3 and Alcohol Myopia Theory), we propose an integrated theory of alcohol-related IPV perpetration among LGB+ populations. Based on the limited information available in the literature, our integrated theoretical model suggests several avenues for future research on alcohol-related IPV perpetration among LGB+ populations. We discuss these future areas for research and the importance of incorporating sexual minority stress frameworks into these investigations.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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