Advanced methods to analyze steroid estrogens in environmental samples

Congwen Li1, Yunlin Wei1, Shenting Zhang1, Wenli Tan1
1Faculty of Life Science and Technology, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China

Tóm tắt

Contamination of waters, soils, sediments and other environmental media by steroid estrogens is an emerging health issue because estrogens exhibit toxic effects on fishes and animals. Levels of steroid estrogens vary widely, ranging from below the detection limit to hundreds of nanograms per liter. Estrogens alter hormone levels and the homeostasis system of living organisms, they increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, prostate cancer and breast cancer in humans and they may induce reproductive disorders, fetal malformations and feminization of males. Here, we review detection methods of steroid estrogens in water samples. Methods mainly include chemical analysis, immunoassays and bioassays. Advanced sensors increase the selectivity and sensitivity of electrochemical assays. For instance, graphene-based sensors can decrease the detection limit to 50 fM, though estrogen analogues may interfere. Immunoassays such as ELISA have the advantages of high sensitivity, fast analysis speed and wide applicability from 2 to 4000 ng/L, though it is susceptible to cross-reactivity.

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