Advanced Trauma Life Support, 8th Edition, The Evidence for Change

Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health) - Tập 64 Số 6 - Trang 1638-1650 - 2008
John Kortbeek1, Saud A. Al Turki1, Jameel Ali1, Jill A. Antoine1, Bertil Bouillon1, Karen J. Brasel1, Fred Brenneman1, Peter R. Brink1, Karim Brohi1, David Burris1, Reginald A. Burton1, Will Chapleau1, Wiliam Cioffi1, Francisco De Salles Collet e Silva1, Art Cooper1, Jaime A. Cortes1, Vagn Eskesen1, John Fildes1, Subash Gautam1, Russell L. Gruen1, Ron Gross1, Kari Schrøder Hansen1, Walter Henny1, Michael Hollands1, Richard C. Hunt1, José María Jover Navalón1, Christoph Kaufmann1, Peggy Knudson1, Amy Koestner1, Roman Košir1, Claus Falck Larsen1, West Livaudais1, Fred A. Luchette1, Patrizio Mao1, John H. McVicker1, Jay Wayne Meredith1, Charles Mock1, Newton Djin Mori1, Charles T. Morrow1, Steven N. Parks1, Pedro Moniz Pereira1, Renato Sergio Pogetti1, Jesper Ravn1, Peter Rhee1, Jeffrey P. Salomone1, Inger B. Schipper1, Patrick Schoettker1, Martin A. Schreiber1, R. Stephen Smith1, Lars Bo Svendsen1, Wa’el Taha1, Mary van Wijngaarden-Stephens1, Endre Varga1, Eric J. Voiglio1, D. L. Williams1, Robert J. Winchell1, Robert Winter1
1*Author affiliations available in Appendix.; Accepted for publication March 14, 2008.; Address for reprints: John B. Kortbeek, MD, FRCSC, FACS, Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, Alberta T2N 2T9, Canada; Received for publication November 25, 2007.; email: [email protected].

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2007, Disaster Management and Emergency Preparedness Course Student Manual.

2007, Advanced, Basic, Core, and Decontamination Life Support Provider Manuals.