Adsorption deformation of a microporous AR-V carbon adsorbent during the adsorption of n-hexane

Pleiades Publishing Ltd - Tập 85 - Trang 1960-1964 - 2011
V. V. Nabiulin1, A. A. Fomkin2, A. V. Tvardovskiy1
1Tver State Technical University, Tver, Russia
2Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Tóm tắt

Adsorption isotherms of n-hexane and adsorption deformation isotherms of an AR-V carbon adsorbent are measured in a pressure range of 1 Pa to 20 kPa at temperatures of 254.8–353 K. It is found that, except for the initial pressure range (p < 800 Pa), the relative linear deformation increases with increasing pressure and decreases with increasing temperature. At temperatures of 254.8, 273.2, and 293 K, the curves of adsorption and adsorption deformation exhibit hysteresis in the region close to the saturated vapor pressure. It is noted that, at pressures below 800 Pa, microporous AR-V carbon adsorbent undergoes contraction in the range of high temperatures. It is revealed that the contraction range of the adsorbent with respect to pressure gradually narrows with decreasing temperature and degenerates at 254.8 K.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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