Adolescents “walking the talk”: How value importance and enactment relate to well-being and risk-taking
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Using structural equation modeling (SEM), this study examines how adolescents’ rated importance (talk) and enactment (walk) of extrinsic values (wealth, beauty, and fame) and intrinsic values (affiliation, self-acceptance, and community) relate to their well-being and risk-taking. An online questionnaire was filled out by 647 adolescents (57.1% girls), aged between 14 and 17 years old (Mage = 15.5 years). Talk intrinsic values were positively associated with well-being, whereas talk extrinsic values were non-significantly related to it. As for the walk measures, we found an interaction between extrinsic and intrinsic values in the prediction of well-being. Extrinsic values enactment and well-being were positively related among adolescents reporting lower intrinsic values enactment, but not among adolescents who reported higher intrinsic values enactment. Finally, using either talk or walk measures, only extrinsic values were associated with higher risk-taking behaviors.
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