Adnexal masses during pregnancy: management for a better approach
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The incidence of adnexal masses, due to large use of ultrasound during pregnancy, has considerably increased during last years. Large percentage of ovarian masses found during pregnancy consists in simple cysts and they tend to disappear spontaneously during pregnancy. There are still a percentage of masses that persist in second and third trimester that need to be monitored and, sometimes, surgically removed. If the mass increases in size, sometimes, it is itself an indication for delivery via cesarean section. Keeping in mind that adnexal masses diagnosed in pregnancy are generally benign, it is essential to consider that ovarian cancer still represents the second gynecological tumor for incidence after cervical cancer during pregnancy. Most patients are clinically asymptomatic and diagnosis is often a random finding during scheduled ultrasound for pregnancy follow-up. Sometimes, the finding of an ovarian mass requires other imaging technique such as magnetic resonance imaging. Computed tomography is avoided during pregnancy due to negative effects on fetus. Treatment option should be discussed and a multidisciplinary approach is required to set ad individualized plan, considering both mother and fetus. Sometimes the differential diagnosis between benign masses and malignancy is not feasible only through imaging, so that surgical intervention with histological examination is mandatory, even during pregnancy. Plus, although ovarian cyst torsion, hemorrhage, or rupture is uncommon in pregnancy, some women may require emergency surgery for these complications. Until 90s pregnancy was considered an absolute contraindication for laparoscopy, but nowadays both open surgery and laparoscopy can be performed considering mass diameter, gestational age, and surgical expertise. Emerging data are indeed confirming the advantages of laparoscopic surgery compared with laparotomy in term of recovery and need for medical care. The purpose of this review is to assess the incidence of adnexal masses during pregnancy and examine their impact on obstetric outcomes.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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