Adaptive large eddy simulation with moving grids
Tóm tắt
The paper presents adaptive mesh moving methods for large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent flows. With this approach, a given number of grid points is redistributed with respect to an appropriately selected criterion. The Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian formulation is applied to solve the governing equation on moving grids employing a collocated finite volume formulation. A dynamic moving mesh partial differential equation based on a variational principle is solved for the corner points of the grid by means of a dedicated solver. Adaptation is performed in a statistical sense so that statistical quantities of interest are employed. Various LES-specific design criteria and combination of them are proposed, such as the time-averaged gradient of streamwise velocity, turbulent kinetic energy and production rate. These are investigated in the framework of elementary and balanced monitor functions. These are tested for the three-dimensional flow in a channel with periodic constrictions. The numerical results are compared to a highly resolved LES reference solution. The independence of the moving mesh method from the initial LES is shown, and its potential to improve the efficient resolution of turbulent flow features is demonstrated.
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