Ab Initio Study of Energetics, Charge Transfer, and Atomic Structures of FCC Fe/NbC Interfaces with and Without N Doping: From Coherent to Semi-coherent Interfaces

JOM - Tập 74 - Trang 1379-1386 - 2022
Jianguo Yu, Michael V. Glazoff1, Michael C. Gao2
1Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, USA
2National Energy Technology Laboratory, Albany, USA

Tóm tắt

Nitrogen is added to stainless steels to improve their toughness and corrosion resistance. However, it is not well understood how nitrogen may impact the precipitate/matrix interfacial properties. In this work, we consider the (FCC) Fe (001)/NbC (001) interface as a model system to study how interfacial structure, energy, and electron charge are affected by nitrogen using DFT calculations. We compare the structures and energetics of coherent and semi-coherent interfaces by including the elastic contribution component. It is found that nitrogen does not have a significant effect on either the interfacial energy or the atomic arrangement near the interface region. A highly intricate bonding feature is revealed near heterophase interfaces between alloy elements, in which metallic and covalent features are present together with charge transfer. Additionally, the work on determining accurate interfacial energies is at the core of all quantitative precipitation modeling efforts (in particular, in the XMAT Program). In turn, nucleation, growth/dissolution, and coarsening of precipitates contribute critically to the material’s ability to withstand creep, creep fatigue, and other detrimental processes reducing its service life. It is for this reason that developing quantitative understanding of interfaces and their energetics in materials is so important for their development and further improvement.

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