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Ilmarinen, 1997, Changes in the work ability of active employees over an 11-year period., Scand J Work Environ Health, 23 (suppl 1), 49
Ilmarinen JNOTES.Ageing workers in the European Unionâstatus and promotion of work ability, employability and employment.Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Ministry of Social Affaire and Health, Ministry of Labour, 1999:274 pages.This book consists of statistics on aging in Europe as well as various modern aspects of aging workers: health, functional capacities, education and training, work environment, work demands, and the new work ability concept. A comparison of the 15 EU member states is given. The second part of the book introduces the promotion of aging workers' work ability and employability ( .
Birren JE , ed (1990) Handbooks of aging. (Academic Press, New York).
Goedhard WJA , ed (2000) Aging and work 4. (Pasmans, The Hague).
Snel J Cremer R , eds (1994) Work and aging: a European perspective. (Taylor and Francis, London and Bristol).
Kumashiro M , ed (1995) The paths to productive ageing. (Taylor and Francis, London and Bristol).
Kilbom à , Westerholm P, Hallsten L, et al, eds.Work after 45? Volume I and II. Arbete och Hälsa 29, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Solna 1997..
Winn FJ Nielsen J Fallentin N , eds (1999) Second International Conference on Aging and Work. Experimental aging research. Special issue. (Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia), p 4, , 25.NOTES. This special issue introduces the latest research on aging and work. The following issues of aging are addressed: mental and physical factors, work design and management, training and education, attitudes, structural impediments, prevention of early exit, national and governmental policies. The articles describe the research activities in 16 countries showing similarities in problems and differences in problem solving. .
Shwartz, 1990, Aerobic fitness norms for males and females aged 6 to 75 years: a review., Aviation, Space Environmental Med, 61, 3
Ilmarinen, 1991, Changes in maximal cardiorespiratory capacity among aging municipal employees., Scand J Work Environ Health, 17 (suppl 1), 99
Ilmarinen, 1992, Job design for the aged with regard to decline in their maximal aerobic capacity. Part Iâguidelines for the practitioner. Part IIâThe scientific base for the guide., Int J Ind Ergon, 10, 53, 10.1016/0169-8141(92)90048-5
NygÃ¥rd CH Pohjonen T Ilmarinen J (1999) Muscular strength of ageing employees over an 11-year period. in FinnAgeâRespect for the ageing. People and work, Research reports 26. eds Ilmarinen J Louhevaara V (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki) , 240â9..
US Department of Health and Human Services (1996) Physical activity and health. A report of the Surgeon General. (US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Atlanta, Georgia).
Baltes PB Smith J (1990) Toward a psychology of wisdom. in Wisdom: its nature, origin and development. ed Stenberg RJ (Cambridge University Press, New York), pp 87â120.
Salthouse TA. Implications of adult age differences in cognition for work performance. In: Kilbom à , Westerholm P, Hallsten L, eds. Work after 45? Volume 1, Arbete och Hälsa. Arbetslivsinstitutet, Solna 1997:15â28.NOTES. This article introduces a variety of experimental studies on cognitive aging and work performance. It discusses critically the conflicting results of laboratory and field studies and emphasises the role of work experience both on cognitive functions and work performance. .
Spirduso WW (1995) Job performance of the older worker. in Physical dimensions of aging. Chapter 13. ed Spirduso WW (Human Kinetics, Champaign, Illinois), pp 367â387, NOTES. This book, and especially chapter 13, corrects several false myths about aging. It summarises the changes needed at worksites according to the changes of aging in different body functionsâa practical list of ergonomic adjustments is given. The chapter focuses also on productivity and aging, indicating, for example, that in both skill demanding and speed demanding jobs the productivity of older workers is better than that of younger workers. .
Tuomi K, ed. Eleven-year-follow-up of aging workers. Scand J Work Environ Health 1997;23 (suppl 1).NOTES. This supplement introduces the results of longitudinal studies of aging workers in physically, mixed, and mentally demanding jobs. The age related changes in health, stress symptoms, lifestyle, work demands, and work ability are shown. The results of a regression analysis showed which factors improved or caused a deterioration in the work ability of aging workers in 11 years. .
Ilmarinen J, Rantanen J. Promotion of work ability during aging. Am J Indust Med, 1999suppl 1:21â3..
Ilmarinen J, Louhevaara V, eds. FinnAgeâRespect for the ageing: action programme to promote the health, work ability and well-being of ageing workers, 1990-1996. People and work, research reports 26. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, 1999.NOTES. This book summarises the results and experiences of a large research programme focused on aging workers. More than 20 projects in the private, municipal, and governmental sectors introduce intervention and developmental approaches and their effects on health, functional capacities, work demands, and work ability. The studies on attitudes toward aging and work show the âpushing factorsâ increasing the risks of early exit, as well as the âpulling factorsâ keeping older people at work. The different concepts for solutions are given ( .
Walker A Taylor P , eds (1998) Combating age barriers in employment: a European portfolio of good practice. (European Foundation for the Development of Living and Working Conditions, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg).
Work Health Organization (1993) Aging and working capacity. Report of a WHO study group. WHO technical report series 835. (WHO, Geneva).