A track length estimator method for dose calculations in low-energy X-ray irradiations: implementation, properties and performance

Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik - Tập 25 - Trang 36-47 - 2015
F. Baldacci1, A. Mittone2,3, A. Bravin4, P. Coan2,3, F. Delaire1, C. Ferrero4, S. Gasilov2, J.M. Létang1, D. Sarrut1, F. Smekens1, N. Freud1
1Université de Lyon, CREATIS; CNRS UMR5220; Inserm U1044; INSA-Lyon; Université Lyon 1; Centre Léon Bérard, France
2Department of Physics, LMU Munich, Germany
3Faculty of Medicine, LMU Munich, Germany
4European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France

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