A survey of stability in curved-beam/curved-electrode MEMS element
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering - Tập 43 - Trang 1-12 - 2021
Tóm tắt
As the main anti-stability factor, pull-in type of instability has always been a decisive concern in design and usage of micro-electro-mechanical systems. Curved microbeams have been devised to extend the range of stability in these systems. Snap-through is another type of instability which appears as a sudden jump in beam curvature from one configuration to another counterpart state. In order to make optimal use of curvature in the structure, in this study, the performance of a more complex system consisting of a curved-microbeam and curved-electrode combination is investigated. In this regard, assuming Euler–Bernoulli beam model and using Hamilton's principle, the governing differential equation of the system is obtained. Using the Galerkin method, the governing equation is converted into a reduced-form nonlinear differential equation and its numerical solution is obtained by MATLAB software. Considering a typical system and using its characteristic amplitude–potential curve, the conditions which trigger the instabilities are uncovered. The results show that, unlike the use of a single curved member, the use of two curved members would increase both the position and the voltage of snap-through and pull-in instabilities. Also, it is shown that, in some amounts of initial gaps in which a system might be destabilized, its counterpart curved-beam/curved-electrode combination with the same dimensions could be secure from the risk of pull-in incidence. Accordingly, this curved-beam/curved-electrode system can help to benefit higher percentage of initial gaps.
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