A survey of adaptive sorting algorithms

ACM Computing Surveys - Tập 24 Số 4 - Trang 441-476 - 1992
Vladimir Estivill‐Castro1, Derick Wood2
1LANIA, Veracruz, Mexico
2University of Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada

Tóm tắt

The design and analysis of adaptive sorting algorithms has made important contributions to both theory and practice. The main contributions from the theoretical point of view are: the description of the complexity of a sorting algorithm not only in terms of the size of a problem instance but also in terms of the disorder of the given problem instance; the establishment of new relationships among measures of disorder; the introduction of new sorting algorithms that take advantage of the existing order in the input sequence; and, the proofs that several of the new sorting algorithms achieve maximal (optimal) adaptivity with respect to several measures of disorder. The main contributions from the practical point of view are: the demonstration that several algorithms currently in use are adaptive; and, the development of new algorithms, similar to currently used algorithms that perform competitively on random sequences and are significantly faster on nearly sorted sequences. In this survey, we present the basic notions and concepts of adaptive sorting and the state of the art of adaptive sorting algorithms.

Từ khóa

Tài liệu tham khảo


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