A stochastic multipath channel model including path directions for indoor environments

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Tập 20 Số 6 - Trang 1178-1192 - 2002
T. Zwick1,2, C. Fischer2, W. Wiesbeck2
1IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA
2Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik (IHE), Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany

Tóm tắt

A novel stochastic channel model for the indoor propagation channel is presented. It is especially for, but not limited to future communication systems with multiple antennas like space division multiple access (SDMA), spatial filtering for interference reduction (SFIR), or multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO). The model is designed for indoor scenarios, straight forward extendable to urban environments. It is based on physical wave propagation. The new approach describes the channel by multipath components, each characterized by its transfer matrix (including loss), delay, direction of arrival, and departure. The appearance and disappearance of multipath components over time is modeled as a birth and death process, a marked Poisson process. This enables first-time the correct modeling of spatial and temporal correlations. In each modeling step, path properties change according to the motion of transmitter and receiver. The changing delay times of propagation paths yield a realistic Doppler behavior of the channel. Deterministic ray tracing results are used to produce the huge data sets required for the statistical evaluation of the parameters of the proposed model. This method enables an automated parameter extraction for new environments or frequencies. The ray tracing tool has been verified by narrowband, wideband, and directional channel measurements. The novel stochastic spatial channel model allows the simulation of third-generation broadband radio systems including arbitrary antenna configurations and patterns. System simulations for the bit-error rate of radio links can be performed including intelligent antenna configurations like SDMA, SFIR, or MIMO. Furthermore, the capacity of complete systems can be investigated.

Từ khóa

#Stochastic processes #Multipath channels #Indoor environments #Multiaccess communication #MIMO #Ray tracing #Broadband antennas #Antennas and propagation #Filtering #Interference

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