A stable data-augmented reinforcement learning method with ensemble exploration and exploitation
Tóm tắt
Learning from visual observations is a significant yet challenging problem in Reinforcement Learning (RL). Two respective problems, representation learning and task learning, need to solve to infer an optimal policy. Some methods have been proposed to utilize data augmentation in reinforcement learning to directly learn from images. Although these methods can improve generation in RL, they are often found to make the task learning unsteady and can even lead to divergence. We investigate the causes of instability and find it is usually rooted in high-variance of Q-functions. In this paper, we propose an easy-to-implement and unified method to solve above-mentioned problems, Data-augmented Reinforcement Learning with Ensemble Exploration and Exploitation (DAR-EEE). Bootstrap ensembles are incorporated into data augmented reinforcement learning and provide uncertainty estimation of both original and augmented states, which can be utilized to stabilize and accelerate the task learning. Specially, a novel strategy called uncertainty-weighted exploitation is designed for rational utilization of transition tuples. Moreover, an efficient exploration method using the highest upper confidence is used to balance exploration and exploitation. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates the improved sample efficiency and final performance of our method on a range of difficult image-based control tasks. Especially, our method has achieved the new state-of-the-art performance on Reacher-easy and Cheetah-run tasks.
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