A simulation study on the optimal control of buffeting displacement for the Sutong Bridge with multiple tuned mass dampers
Tóm tắt
The buffeting of long-span cable-supported bridges under strong winds is one of the key issues in bridge wind engineering. In order to study the effectiveness of the multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMDs) in buffeting control of long-span bridges, the Sutong Cable-stayed Bridge (SCB) with a main span of 1088 m in China is taken as an example in this paper. The spatial finite element model of the SCB is established and the modal analysis is conducted based on ANSYS. After the 3D turbulence wind field of the SCB is simulated using the measured wind parameters, the time-domain buffeting analysis on the SCB is conducted with the aerodynamic self-excited forces included. According to the dynamic characteristics and the time-domain buffeting analysis results of the SCB, the parameter sensitivity analysis on buffeting vibration control with MTMD is conducted in ANSYS. The optimum parameters are then obtained with the construction difficulty and economic factors considered. Results show that the control efficiency is sensitive to the number of the TMD, mass ratio, frequency band-width ratio, and damping ratio. Both the vertical and the lateral vibrations can be effectively controlled when proper design parameters of a MTMD system are used. In addition, the control effect on lateral vibration is better than that on vertical vibration. Results obtained in this study can provide references for anti-wind design and buffeting control of long-span cable-stayed bridges.
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