A review on hot stamping
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Åkerström, 2007, Numerical implementation of a constitutive model for simulation of hot stamping, Materials Science and Engineering, 15, 105
Aspacher, 2008, Forming hardening concepts, 77
Austerhoff, 2002, Hot Stamping und Wärmebehandlung von höchstfesten Stählen am Beispiel von Karosserie- und Fahrwerksbauteilen, 1
Bariani, 2008, Testing formability in the hot stamping of HSS, CIRP Annals—Manufacturing Technology, 57, 265, 10.1016/j.cirp.2008.03.049
Behrens, 2008, Conductive heating system for hot sheet metal forming, 63
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Berglund, 2008, The history of hardening of boron steel in northern Sweden, 175
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Casas, 2008, Tailor made tool materials for the present and upcoming tooling solutions in hot sheet metal forming, 23
Chastel, 2008, Formability of quenchable steels in hot stamping, 678
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Dessain, 2008, Experimental investigation of friction and wear in hot stamping of usibor 1500P, 217
Durrenberger, 2008, The effects of non-isothermal deformation on martensitc transformation in 22MnB5 steel, Materials Science and Engineering, A 478, 445
Durrenberger, 2009, Impact of the constitutive model on the hot-forming numerical predictions of usibor 1500P, 51
Erhardt, 2008, Industrial application of hot forming press simulation, 83
Faderl, 2008, Press hardening of hot-dip galvanized 22MnB5: a stable and reproducible process, 199
Faderl, 2009, phs-ultraform®—continuous galvanizing meets press-hardening, 283
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Ghiotti, 2009, Investigation of the high strength steel Al–Si coating during hot stamping operations, Key Engineering Materials, 410–411, 289
Ghiotti, A., Pellegrini, D., Bruschi, S., 2009. Feasibility of producing tailored microstructures in hot stamped sheet components. IDDRG, Golden, CO, USA, 941–950.
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Goedicke, 2008, Wet chemical coating materials for hot sheet forming—anti scaling and corrosion protection, 37
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Karbasian, 2008, Numerical process design of hot stamping processes based on verified thermo-mechanical characteristics, 1733
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Kolleck, 2008, Alternative heating concepts for hot sheet metal forming, 239
Kolleck, 2009, Efficienty of hot forming processes, 173
Kolleck, 2009, Investigation on induction heating for hot stamping of boron alloyed steels, CIRP Annals—Manufacturing Technology, 58, 275, 10.1016/j.cirp.2009.03.090
Kuhn, 2006, Warmumformung – den höheren Festigkeiten folgend, MM das IndustrieMagazin, 17, 86
Kusumi, 2009, The effect of martensitic transformation on the spring-back behavior of the hot stamping, 97
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Lechler, 2009, Determination of thermal and mechanical material properties of ultra-high strength steels for hot stamping, Steel Research International, 79, 98, 10.1002/srin.200806323
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Lenze, 2008, Development tendencies as to processing of press hardening under application of coated steel, 15
Lindkvist, 2009, Thermo-mechanical simulation of high temperature formblowing and hardening, 247
Maikranz-Valentin, 2008, Components with optimised properties due to advanced thermo-mechanical process strategies in hot sheet metal forming, Steel Research International, 79, 92, 10.1002/srin.200806322
Merklein, 2006, Investigation of the thermo-mechanical properties of hot stamping steels, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 177, 452, 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2006.03.233
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Merklein, 2008, Characterization of tribological and thermal properties of metallic coating for hot stamping boron-manganese steels, 219
Molinari, 2005, Constitutive modeling of the high-strain-rate deformation in metals based on the evolution of an effective microstructural length, Mechanics of Materials, 37, 737, 10.1016/j.mechmat.2004.07.005
Mori, 2009, Warm and hot stamping of ultra tensile strength steel sheets using resistance heating, CIRP Annals—Manufacturing Technology, 54, 209, 10.1016/S0007-8506(07)60085-7
Mori, 2009, Prevention of oxidation in hot stamping of quenchable steel sheet by oxidation preventive oil, CIRP Annals—Manufacturing Technology, 58, 267, 10.1016/j.cirp.2009.03.055
Naderi, M., 2007. Hot stamping of ultra high strength steels. Doctoral Theses, RWTH Aachen.
Nemat-Nasser, 1999, Experimentally-based micromechanical modeling of metal plasticity with homogenization form micro-to-macro-scale properties, 101
Neubauer, 2008, Thermo-mechanically coupled analysis: the next step in sheet metal forming simulation, 275
Neugebauer, 2009, Gas forming with integrated heat treatment for high performance steel—a solution approach for press hardened tubes and profiles, 181
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Oldenburg, 2008, Simulation of the microstructure evolution in a press hardened component, 3
Olle, 2008, Numerical modeling of phase transformation in hot stamping and deep drawing, 1937
Paar, 2008, Press-hardened components from kassel—chances and challenges, 153
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Pellegrini, 2009, Interlaboratory comparison of forming limit curves for hot stamping of high strength steels, Key Engineering Materials, 410–411, 297, 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.410-411.297
Picas, 2008, Tool performance in cutting of hot stamped steels, 179
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So, 2009, Blanking of press hardened ultra high strength steel, 137
Somani, 2001, Dimensional changes and microstructural evolution in a B-bearing steel in the simulated forming and quenching process, ISIJ International, 4, 361, 10.2355/isijinternational.41.361
Steinbeiss, 2007, Method for optimizing the cooling design of hot stamping tools, Production Engineering—Research and Development, 1, 149, 10.1007/s11740-007-0010-3
Stöhr, 2008, Determination of frictional and thermal characteristics for hot stamping with respect to a numerical process design, 293
Stöhr, 2009, Investigations on different strategies for influencing the microstructural properties with respect to partial hot stamping, 273
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Tekkaya, 2007, Thermo-mechanical coupled simulation of hot stamping components for process design, Annals of WGP, XIV, 85
Tong, 2005, Modeling for the FE simulation of warm metal forming processes, 625
Yanagida, 2009, Evaluation of coefficients of friction in hot stamping by hot flat drawing test, CIRP Annals—Manufacturing Technology, 58, 247, 10.1016/j.cirp.2009.03.091