A review of the genus Tristania R. Br. (Myrtaceae): a heterogeneous assemblage of five genera

Australian Journal of Botany - Tập 30 Số 4 - Trang 413 - 1982

Tóm tắt

The genus Tristania is reviewed, with particular emphasis on the Australian species, on the basis of morphological and anatomical evidence and, as a result, divided into five genera. The genus Tristania R.Br. em. Schott is monotypic, the genera Welchiodendron and Ristantia are newly described and Lophostemon Schott and Tristaniopsis Brongn. & Gris are reinstated from synonymy. One new species, Tristaniopsis collina, is described and 33 new combinations made: Welchiodendron longivalve, Ristantia pachysperma, Lophostemon confertus, L. grandijlorus ssp. grandiflorus and ssp. riparius, L. Iactifluus, L. suaveolens, Tristaniopsis anomala, T. beccarii, T. bilocularis, T. burmanica, T. clementis, T. decorticata, T. elliptica, T. exiliflora, T. ferruginea, T.fruticosa, T. grandifolia, T. laurina, T. littoralis, T. macrosperma, T. merguensis, T. micrantha, T. oblongifolia, T. obovata, T. oreophila, T.pentandra, T. polyandra, T.pontianensis, T. razakiana, T. rufescens, T, stellata and T. whiteana. Two further species, Tristania psidioides and Tristania umbrosa, are transferred to Xanthostemon.

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